Employer & Job Seeker FAQ’s

Job Seeker FAQ's

Yes, it is free to search for jobs in Malta & EU using the Muovo Job Board. As a job seeker you can search for jobs on our portal for free however to apply for a job, you would need to first create an account and upload your details, including your CV. The preferred format for CV’s is Europass, and saved in PDF or DOC.

Register your free Job Seeker Account.

Should you select the option to be contacted by Broadwing Recruitment, a recruiter may contact you for a pre-screening interview during which you can discuss available job options and positions. Being contacted by Broadwing Recruitment and any services offered to candidates are free of charge.

You can close your job seeker account by contacting our administrator through the Contact page. We will contact you on your registered email to confirm it is a valid request.

Employer & Job Posting FAQ's

While a job description should be brief and to the point, it is important that it is well written. Today, the job market is saturated with job vacancies so it is important to have a well formatted and detailed job description that will help you stand out from the crowd. It is encouraged to ask a colleague to proofread your job to ensure it is easy to understand and fix any language or grammatical errors.

Our employer’s dashboard is easy to use and posting a job is easy. Different fields are available to input salary ranges and the job type for the particular vacancy.

It is important to pick the right categories as this will help job seekers while browsing or filtering jobs in these industries or fields. These are also used for automated job alerts sent to candidates.

Advertising a job vacancy in Malta with Muovo is easy.

After registering as an employer, you will set up your employer profile, fill in company details and social links and add your company logo.

You can then purchase a job package to post your vacancy. We offer a number of job packages from single job posts up to 10 job posts.

You may also opt to purchase a featured job package which will include a featured position on the Muovo Job Portal as well a branded social media job post created by our professional design team. After you purchase a package, you will fill in the job details such as description, salary and other related information and select if the application process will be through the Muovo online portal or direct to your HR Portal.

Once everything is completed you can start receiving candidates.

Yes, one can edit a job posting while this job is still active through the Employer’s Dashboard. Once logged in, select “All Jobs ” from the Dashboard Menu and select the edit icon on the job which requires editing.

The duration a job posting remains public depends on the package being purchased. The standard duration is 30 days.

Yes, the Muovo Job Board can integrate with your existing Applicant Tracking Systems or Career Sites (XML/RSS feeds or API’s). This will allow you to automatically sync your jobs to your employer profile on the job board while allowing candidates to apply directly through your ATS.

This means that there is “No Contact” required between you as an employer and the job board. Jobs will be published on the job board within 4 hours of being added to your ATS or career website and will remain active for as long as the job is still present on your job board. If your job is updated or removed, the changes will be reflected on the job board within 4 hours.

Contact us for integration with custom Job XML Feeds, API’s or custom web scraping.