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Gone are the days when someone spent most of their career working in the same position or company. While it is far more common nowadays to look for greener pastures and more enticing opportunities, the prospect of leaving your job and venturing into the unknown can be quite daunting and is not a decision to be taken lightly.
A 2018 study by LiveCareer confirmed a common perception many have about the frequency with which people from different generations switch jobs. They found that Baby Boomers (people born between 1946 – 1964) hold an average job tenure of 8 years. For Gen Xers (1965 – 1980) it’s 5.4 years, for Millennials (1981-1997) it’s 2.4 years and Gen Zers (1998 – 2010) have an average tenure of just 1.2 years. That’s nearly a 7-year difference in just 4 generations.
Many would argue that “job hopping” is a lot more common now than it was a few decades ago because people are less likely to settle for unfavourable conditions or situations but, while that might be true, the decision to start looking for a new job is never an easy one. As the world is navigating through a global pandemic and the future holds nothing but uncertainty, it is a particularly precarious time for job-seekers.
Despite the fear and uncertainty, there are a number of very valid reasons for someone to seek professional growth and satisfaction elsewhere. If you are experiencing any of the following situations, it might be time to consider making that switch.
Job satisfaction refers to a sense of fulfilment or enjoyment at your job and is considered to be the 2nd highest predictor for overall life satisfaction by the EU. A Eurostat study from 2015 found that only one in four Europeans reported high levels of job satisfaction. Considering the amount of time we spend at work throughout our lives, it is really important to identify and, if possible, tackle the causes of our unhappiness at work. This could be anything from management to our work/life balance. If these issues are unresolvable or if the time and effort required to tackle them are too high then it might be worth considering re-entering the job market.
Money isn’t everything but it’s definitely something worth constant evaluation when reflecting on our careers. If you have continuously proven your worth and taken on more work, your employer should have increased your salary by now. Employers must also take the cost of living increases into consideration too. If another year goes by and you have yet to see an increase in your salary it might be worth speaking to your employers about this. Is there something that needs improving on your end? If you’re putting in the work and achieving your targets but your salary is not matching your efforts and the cost of living, it might be time to look elsewhere.
Being professionally challenged is important and contributes to better job satisfaction. Without it, it’s easy to feel stagnant and uninspired. It is up to your employers to ensure that you’re constantly challenged but it is also up to you to communicate the need for further challenges to your superiors. Sometimes, expressing interest in participating in additional courses or earning new certifications can be arranged for you by your employer, but you must take the first step. Every employee’s desire to develop or be challenged is different.
Employee recognition and appreciation are crucial for anyone regardless of industry or level. Being appreciated and valued is something that we all seek as social beings. As job-hopping becomes more commonplace, more and more employees are leaving their positions when they feel unappreciated. Companies and employers need to understand the importance of recognising and acknowledging a job well done or else they will likely have much higher staff turnover and low productivity levels.
As a company grows and as its employees grow with it, so does the number of volume of tasks. An employee’s roles and duties are often outlined in a contract of employment but it is not uncommon for us to take on new tasks as we go along. This is perfectly normal and acceptable up to a certain point, however, employers must recognise when to bolster their team with new employees in order to avoid having overworked and burnt-out staff. It’s always good to communicate your frustrations with your employer but if no action is taken and you feel like you’re being overworked in order to cut corners and save money, you might be left with no choice but to move on.
A toxic work environment is extremely unpleasant and can have severe consequences on your performance but also your mental well-being. This could include workplace bullying, abusive behaviour and language from managers or even the use of threats. Some employers still believe that this is an effective form of motivation and a good way to increase positivity but this couldn’t be further from the truth. A toxic work environment is sure to lead to high turnover, poor performance and even health issues which inevitably lead to more sick days anyway. If you’re working in a toxic environment, you need to get sooner rather than later.
How often have you had conversations with people who are miserable at work simply because they just hate what they do? Their employers could be supportive and understanding and their salaries could be great but they simply get no joy out of their jobs. When you think about it, many people enter a specific industry based on decisions they made when they were young and had zero experience of the working life. This could be because of what they studied or which jobs they landed as new graduates. Realising that you’re miserable because you might be in the wrong line of work is probably the most difficult of all and starting from scratch is never easy. That being said, setting off on a new career path after gaining a better understanding of the working world and of your wants and needs could be one of the best decisions of your life.
Does your current workplace support a proper work-life balance? Good employers know that every employee needs to have enough time off in order to perform best at work. If your company does not promote healthy ways to de-stress, suggest health packages or even make sure you have enough time off, maybe it is time to make a change. While you must make sure that you have a harmonious balance between work and personal life, your employer should look out for you too.
Most of us spend a large chunk of our waking lives at our place of work. It is a large part of how we define ourselves and it is what gives us the means to live and maybe even support our families. Changing jobs is never easy and it is always scary but it is often necessary if we are to grow professionally and personally.
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